This magazine is for those people who are interested in discovering the cultures and lives of those in other places, how they live and improve the understanding of different cultures. Moreover, with people migrating constantly our cultures merge and continue to evolve, we don’t always know the roots of our own culture and wish to learn more about it as well as understand what it’s like in the country nowadays. Therefore, Heritage Magazine is needed, it cannot be a static thing like a book or something as fleeting as a website. Cultures are a part of who we are and while we may be multicultural, we still resonate with our own cultures and how we grow up.
Each Issue will be based on a different country, discovering cultures around the globe. How people live, how they interact, communal beliefs, traditions, their food, the climate, heritage sites, etc. There will be 4 Issues per Volume so each Issue will be released with a 3-month gap. It can be bought online for £9.00 per Issue or as an annual subscription for £30.00.

Heritage Masthead Rubber Stamp

Heritage Magazine Masthead

Heritage Magazine Issue Covers
The design of the Magazine is based on something every country has – stamps. Each country has stamps they have created for postal use and other uses, this means they are the focal point of the design for the covers, with a limitation of 3 colours this allows the 3 colours to be used for the 3 sections the magazine is split into: Lifestyle, Traditional & Creative. As it is based on stamps the masthead itself is a stamp and the position will vary with every copy as it is stamped on by hand. A culture is a personal thing and the magazine introducing a culture to the public should be too, ergo it is section sown through the cover showing the more tactile element of the magazine.
Furthermore, the format is A5 which is easy to carry in a bag with you on a trip, as well as comfortable for one to handle. As it is a smaller format the section sewn binding allows it to lay flat and removes the need for an inner margin, increasing the area for text to go on the 12-column grid.

Digital mock-up of the Magazine based on Mexico.