For the design we were asked to design 2 books from the 4 book series portraying the protagonist as a black female for diversity and inclusion. These book covers also had to be mindful of people with colour blindness as part of the brief.
From this I created the first 2 book covers from the series, each showing half of Amber's face with a single monochromatic colour for the rest of the book cover. The print finishes for these are gold foiling and a silk laminate for children to enjoy the tactile experience of the book.
As a series the 4 books would come together to portray Amber from when she's aged 12 to 16 within the series. Including various sleuthing techniques and gadgets she uses in the books which are highlighted with some gold foiling to give the target audience a sneak peak of what may come in the book. Similarly each book cover portrays hints of what the individual book has in store through the individual monochromatic coloured backgrounds.